Society & Environment - Questions from AMIE exams

Match the following terms/persons related to sociology.


  1. Caste
  2. Absenteeism
  3. Occupation
  4. Durkheim
  5. Cooley
  6. Simmel
  7. Spencer
  8. Acoustics
  9. Cytology Ergonomics Metallurgy
  10. Darwin


  1. Industry
  2. Agriculture
  3. Sociologist
  4. Psychologist
  5. Philosopher
  6. Biologist
  7. Study of sound
  8. Study of cells
  9. Study of work
  10. Process of extracting metals from their ores
  11. Descent of man
  12. David Copperfield
  13. Das Kapital


  1. Caste - Hierarchy
  2. Absenteeism - Industry
  3. Occupation - Agriculture
  4. Durkheim - Sociologist
  5. Cooley - Psychologist
  6. Simmel - Philosopher
  7. Spencer - Biologist
  8. Acoustics - Study of sound
  9. Cytology - Study of cells
  10. Ergonomics - Study of work
  11. Metallurgy - Process of extracting metals from their ores
  12. Darwin - Descent of man
  13. Charles Dickens - David Copperfield
  14. Karl Marx - Das Kapital

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