True/ False questions from AMIE exams
- Moulding is earned out in moulding boxes called flasks.
- Taper turning means to produce a conical surface by a gradual reduction in diameter from a cylindrical workpiece.
- Laser beam machining is an unconventional machining process.
- Capstan lathe is never used on smaller work.
- The sand mould is an example of a permanent mould.
- Welding does not permit any freedom in design.
- Discontinuous chips are usually produced while cutting more brittle materials.
- The size of the shaper or planer is specified by the maximum length of stroke.
- Non-conductive materials can be machined by the ECM process.
- In the case of USM., the metal removal cost is low.
- True
- True
- True
- False
- False
- True
- True
- True
- False
- True
The study material for AMIE/B Tech/Junior Engineer exams is available at