Mine Management and Legislation - MCQs from AMIE Exams (Set 2)

Each question carries two marks.

1. Which one of the following qualities is least considered while evaluating the effectiveness of a mine manager?
(a) competentness
(b) committedness
(c) cost-effectiveness
(d) conciliatoriness

2. Ergonomics is the synonym of
(a) organizational behaviour
(b) human behaviour
(c) human factors
(e) environmental behaviour

3. Modern mine management follow the organisation of the type
(a) line organization
(b) line, staff and committee organization
(c) line and staff organization
(d) functional organization

4. Chairman of the safety committee in a mine is the mine
(a) manager
(b) safety manager
(c) agent
(d) workmen inspector

5. Reportable injuries are those which involve enforced absence of persons sustained with injuries for
(a) 3 days or more
(b) 14 days or more
(c) 21 days or more
(d) 28 days or more

6. One of the assumptions underlying scientific management is that "the application of the methods of science to problems of management will lead to high industrial efficiency" is indoctrinated by

(a) F W Taylor
(b) P F Drucker
(c) Henry Foyol
(d) J Peter

7. Who proposed that there are five primary functions of management?
(a) F W Taylor
(b) P F Drucker
(c) Henry Fayol
(d) J Peter

8.  According to CMR, in an underground coal mine, the height of every travelling roadway throughout shall not be less than
(a) 1.2 m
(b) 1.5 m
(c) 1.8 m
(d) 2.1 m

9. Organization structure primarily refers to
(a) how resources are allocated
(b) the location of departments and office space
(c) the policy statements developed by the firm
(d) how activities are coordinated and controlled

10. A major problem with a "task force" type of management is because of its
(a) accountability
(b) lack of planning
(c) status being too inflexible
(d) non-logical basis for "task force" information


1. (c)

2. (c) Ergonomics can roughly be defined as the study of people in their working environment. More specifically, an ergonomist designs or modifies the work to fit the worker, not the other way around. The goal is to eliminate discomfort and risk of injury due to work.

3. (b)

4. (a) The Safety Committee shall consist of
  • the manager who shall be the Chairman;
  • five officials or competent persons of the mine nominated by the Chairman;
  • five workmen 
  • Workmen’s Inspector 
  • the Safety Officer
5. (a) reportable injury” means any injury other than a serious bodily injury which involves or in all probability will involve, the enforced absence of the injured person from work for a period of seventy-two hours or more;

6. (a) The assumptions of Taylorism are that workers are unintelligent and uneducated and that they must be trained and given instructions to carry out their duties.
Scientific management can be summarized in four main principles: Using scientific methods to determine and standardize the one best way of doing a job. A clear division of tasks and responsibilities. High pay for high-performing employees.

7. (c) Henri Fayol identified five functions of management, which he labelled: planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling.

8. (c)

9. (d)

10. (c) 

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